When does fever get dangerous?

There could be many circumstances in which a fever could prove to be dangerous. The very first one is if it happens in an infant and lasts for more than 24 hours for no reason. You need to know that developing a fever is a sign that the body is fighting off some sort of infection. Fever is the body's natural defense mechanism against all problems that involve infections. So a fever can be accurately read as your body's way of fighting off an unwanted invasion from some sort of infection causing substance. For most part, fever is considered to be harmless if it lasts about 48 hours and stays well below 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the internal temperature of the body crosses this mark, it is considered to become dangerous. At least, it can be said that fever this high generally becomes a condition that cannot be taken care of by yourself or at home. You would need medical supervision when the body gets to this stage. You need to keep in mind that there are several natural ways of reducing fever that would work very well. If your body temperature is uncomfortably high, however, the first thing you need to do is consult a doctor. This will at least begin to examine why this is so.

You can bring your fever down at home by making sure you keep your body well hydrated when it is in sufferance. Drink lots of fluids at room temperature. This will help to regulate your internal thermostat. The essential thing with a fever is to learn to break it. This means that after fever has reached a particular point, it needs to peak and then recede. The best way to break a fever is to break out into a sweat. If this does not happen naturally, you would need to make it happen. Applying cold compresses to the forehead and soles of the feet is an excellent way to quickly reduce the internal body temperature. Take some ice water and add a few drops of cologne to it for better results. Otherwise, you can also add a few crushed leaves to ice water. Onions are also considered to be particularly useful in bringing your fever to a breaking point. You can slice onions and apply to the soles of your feet. The rule to never forget if anyone is suffering from fever for over two days for no apparent reason is that a doctor must be consulted.

answered by G M

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