Caring For Second Degree Burns

Any injury which is caused by excessive heat to any part of the body which results in the damage or death of the tissue in that particular body part is called a burn. It can be caused by a flame, objects of high temperature, prolonged and direct exposure to sunlight, reactions with industrial and domestic chemicals and etc. If the injury is because of hot water it is called a scald.

The magnitude of the burn is gauged in terms of what is commonly known as degrees. These degrees are of three kinds, that is first degree, second degree and third degree. First degree burns are mild burns that are characterized by the reddening of the affected portion of skin. Second degree burns, typically have blisters on the burnt skin surface. Third degree burns are the superlative category, where the entire skin is destroyed and the body part itself appears charred.

Any kind of burns are dangerous for two main reasons. The first is infection and the second is shock. When the tissues are injured because of burns, they are damaged or killed. In such a condition, the tissues cannot defend themselves from invading germs and often get easily infected, which is known as festering. Shock is a severe form of collapse immediately after extensive burns. It is extremely dangerous as the person loses consciousness; this can even be fatal, as crucial first aid or medical help can be delayed.

Your query is about second degree burns. While second degree burns are less common an occurrence, one needs to be careful in terms of the extent of injury caused by the burn and the size of the affected portion of the skin. Whatever the type of burns, the immediate home treatment of burns is to cool under running water, which reduces damage. The cooling should be continued (upto thirty minutes if necessary) till the feeling of pain is substantially reduced. For second degree, that is burns with blistering, shock should be treated by covering unburned portions of the body by extra clothing or blankets and by giving the patient a hot beverage, if the patient is still conscious.

Whatever be the case, every second degree burn must be shown to the doctor as soon as possible. While undergoing the prescribed medication, you can also parallelly use certain home remedies which have been seen to be very effective. A dab of non-synthetic vanilla on the affected area eases pain and prevents blistering. Application of a layer of honey or writing ink is also known to give the same effect. Freshly prepared strong tea, which has been cooled to body temperature or freshly cut raw potato, when applied is known to avoid the formation of burn scars.

answered by S C

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