What is a good cure for premature ejaculation?

Natural Cure for Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is one of the common problems suffered by most of the men. Ejaculation is a process of semen ejection accompanied by orgasm. There are ways to control ejaculation. Here are some of the best natural remedies for premature ejaculation.

  • Extract seeds from green onions and mix it with water. Sip the mixture for treating pre mature ejaculation.
  • Foods such as fish, ginger, shellfish and lettuce are useful for treating pre mature ejaculation.
  • Prepare a mixture of 1 ginger, milk and honey. Consume the mixture.
  • Try to enter your penis inside the vagina and stay for about 10 minutes without any kind of movement.
  • Do exercise like flexing and relaxing your muscle that is used to stop peeing. Do this exercise everyday.
  • Avoid consumption of breads, cakes, meats, eggs, appetizers, coffee, teas and hot things. These food substances often make you more excited.
  • Add more of vegetables and fruits in your diet.
  • Massage your penis with mustard oil. This will help in dilating the blood vessels and improving blood circulation.
  • Practice stimulation of orgasm but make sure that you don't ejaculate. Enter your penis into the vagina and just before you reach orgasm, remove the penis. This will help you to control your ejaculation.
  • Some of the yoga postures such as camel pose, fish pose and bow pose also help in curing pre mature ejaculation.

answered by J

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