I am having mild headache in the forehead with slight body pain & constipation. I am 60 years of age and weigh 80 kgs.

Body ache, is generally caused due to lack of exercise and compounded by an ignored problem. At an advanced age, with increasing ailments and reduced levels of movement and thus exercise, the body tends to complain in the form of mild to severe body ache. The best remedy is to stay active, getting some light exercise in the form of regular walks or even yoga. Constipation is generally caused due to unhealthy eating habits which include diet as well as the amount you chew your food before swallowing, insufficient intake of water and excessive consumption of coffee and tea. Lack of exercise is also a major reason for constipation.

The best way to combat constipation thus, is healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, sufficient intake of water as well as regular exercise. It is important to increase the amount of fibre in your diet to facilitate digestion of food. Consumption of fruits such as guavas, pears and the bael fruit which are rich in fibre help facilitating bowel movement. Other laxative fruits include papaya, figs, grapes as well as oranges. It is generally recommended to soak 4-5 dried figs overnight and eat them every morning. Yet another excellent home remedy either eating raw spinach or drinking 100 ml of spinach juice mixed with the same portion of water twice a day.

answered by G M

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