what can i do for a yeast infection and or bladder infection!

Listed below are some effective natural treatments for yeast infection:

  • It is believed that yogurt is made of bacteria that shares lineage with bacteria in the vagina. The application of which will help the good bacteria to proliferate. Apply plain and unsweetened yogurt on your vaginal opening before going to bed.
  • Consume lots of yogurt regularly. It has double benefits for women. It is a high-protein and high-calcium food. The bacterium that yogurt contains helps in creating a normal bacterial environment.
  • Eat lots of carrots, spinach, broccoli, and apricots. These veggies contain high amounts of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene has properties that convert into vitamin A in the body and can boost immune system. It offers protection against yeast infections.
  • Make a mixture from the extracts of olive leaf and grapefruit seed. Blend the mixture with a glass of water.
  • Make a poultice of slippery elm powder and water. It is an effective natural cure for itching.
  • Take some gentian violet and apply it on the vagina. You could wear a pad to avoid clothes form staining. It is an effective remedy for vaginal yeast infection.
  • Avoid the use of antibiotics. Wear loose cotton clothes and undergarments and strictly avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic fibers. Also do not wear wet clothes. Do not stay on empty stomach for a long. Drink plenty of fluids during the day.

answered by R

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