home remedies to reduce high blood pressure

Natural Cure for High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure also known as hypertension is mainly caused due to stress, excess of salt, overweight and unhealthy dietary habits. There are many effective ways of reducing high blood pressure. Following are some of the most preferable remedies and cures:

  • Prepare a mixture of onion juice and honey. Eat this mixture every day. Onion juice is also beneficial for reducing high blood pressure. This reduces cholesterol and serves as a stimulant for nervous system. Onion juice is also good for cleaning blood, improving digestive system and regulating cardiac functions. A drop of honey in the mixture helps in soothing the nerves and lowering blood pressure.
  • Every night keep a glass of water in a copper vessel. Drink the water next morning.
  • Grind a mixture of basil leaves and margosa leaves. Eat this ground mixture every morning on an empty stomach.
  • One raw papaya eaten everyday on an empty stomach also works wonder in reducing the blood pressure.
  • Avoid consuming meat, egg and other high fat foods such as sugar, tea, fried foods and pickles.
  • Garlic is an excellent remedy for cardiac activities. You can either eat raw garlic or take garlic supplements. This will help in lowering down the cholesterol level and preventing blood clots.
  • Guggul is another effective herb for reducing the cholesterol level and improve heart functions.
  • Cardocare helps in improving and strengthening heart muscles and reduces the high level of cholesterol in your body.

answered by J

One of the first things any health care provider would recommend for high blood pressure is to reduce your salt intake. Try not to add salt to food during cooking and instead use a salt shaker at the dining table to control how much salt goes into your food. Avoid salty snacks and fast food such as chips, peanuts and burgers. Try and replace regular salt with a low sodium salt substitute.

All of following are supplements that are known to work for hypertension (high blood pressure).

  • Garlic powder supplement is known to help control blood pressure in patients with a mild problem.
  • Fish oil has been shown to be of modest benefit in certain studies. Making certain kinds of fish a part of your diet will also work.
  • CoQ10 is one of the most effective supplements for hypertension with quite a few studies showing benefits at dosages of 60 mg twice daily
  • Hawthorn is also quite effective at a dose of 1200 mg per day and is often prescribed by herbal practitioners to good effect.

In addition to these, standard lifestyle changes such as exercise, a balanced high fibre diet and de-stressing measures such as meditation and breathing exercises will be beneficial in the long term.

answered by S E

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