what are the home remedies for wounds?

Wounds are primarily a break in the skins outer layer or the epidermis. They can be caused due to several reasons such as, injures, cuts, bruises, scrapes and so on. It is important to take care of a wound in the right manner as if ignored; they can lead to infections and scarring. Abrasions and scrapes are wounds that occur on the outer layer of the skin and are hence not all that serious. These kinds of wounds are characterized by very mild bleeding. On the other hand lacerations are the more serious types of wound. These wounds cut through the skins layers, to puncture the tissues or fat. Lacerations are characterized by severe bleeding. Another type of wound is a puncture wound. These are perforations that are made in the skin by pointed sharp objects like nails, ice picks knives and so on.

Whatever the type of wound, the first step is to wash them to prevent the risk of an infection. If the wound is of a serious nature then it is essential to seek medical help. Here are a few home remedies that can be used to treat minor wounds. Honey is an excellent remedy for treating wounds. It dehydrates the bacteria present in the wound, thus preventing any infection by making it clean. Dip a strip of sterile gauze in some honey and then apply it on the washed wound. Onion is also considered to be a great remedy for treating wounds. Take 1-2 medium sized onions and blend them into a thick paste. Now mix the paste with half a teaspoon of honey and then apply it on to the wound. Let the application stay on for 15-20 minutes, after which rinse it off with cold water. Onions contains allacin, an anti-microbial, that will help prevent any kind of infection from setting in.

Aloe vera is also an excellent remedy for treating minor cuts and scrapes. Take an aloe leaf and slit it in two. Now place the pulpy side of the leaf onto the wound for a few minutes. This should be done 3-4 times a day to accelerate the healing process. Garlic can also be used to treat all kinds of sores, scrapes and cuts. Mix a cup of wine with three garlic cloves in a blender. Keep the mixture aside for a couple of hours, after which strain it into a jar. This should then be applied on to the clean washed wound for about 15 minutes.

answered by G M

After you have suffered an injury such as a cut, your body automatically starts working on repairing the wound. The first and foremost action is to stop the bleeding, if any. It is also important to clean out any bacteria in the wound as this will stop the infection from developing any further. Like any other treatment it is very important to understand the severity and cause of the wound to find the most suitable treatment. In some cases such as heavy bleeding or a deep cut it is highly recommended that you seek immediate medical attention. However there are various remedies that you can follow in order to help your recovery process and speed up the healing. One of the key issues with wounds is the possibility of  it getting infected. With the fresh wound it is very easy for bacteria to penetrate through your skin and body. If you feel any of the following signs or symptoms develop after your wound was inflicted you should seek medical attention immediately: unbearable pain, swelling, redness around the wound, discharge or pus, swollen glands and the failure to self heal.

There are various remedies you can use to reduce the risk of an infection and prevent any further damage. If you have injured yourself and cannot slow down or stop the bleeding, you can sprinkle some sugar on the wounded area to stop the bleeding. Also try to rub some ice on the wound to stop the bleeding and reduce the swelling caused by the injury. If this doesn’t work then you can sprinkle some turmeric powder on the wound to stop the bleeding immediately. This will also help to prevent infections. Following this, you should check the status on your tetanus immunization. If this was not done recently then you might need to take a tetanus shot on priority basis to prevent the wound from becoming septic. In case there has been any discharge or pus coming out of the wound you can tie ripe banana leaves on the wound. To get rid of the bacteria on the wound you can make a paste of garlic cloves and apply it on the wound. Garlic contains antimicrobials such as “allicin” that can also speed up the healing process. Keep this poultice on for no more than 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. Garlic compounds are very strong and if they are in contact with the skin for too long they can burn the skin. If the injury or wound is big you should raise the injured part to prevent or reduce swelling. It is also important to put yourself on a healthy diet to ensure that the body gets all the required proteins and nourishment to heal quickly.

answered by G M

Wounds treatment

Wound is caused by an injury of any part of the body. A table spoon of cayenne in a cup of water helps in relieving wounds. A plastic wrap is pasted on the wound. This helps in controlling the coagulation process. Any kind of wound is cleaned initially with water. Apply an antiseptic ointment, thereby preventing any further infection. Simple cuts are cleaned with an anti microbial soap. In case of severe wounds, supplements of Vitamins A,B and C are recommended. Iron supplementation is provided, in case of lack of infection. Bleeding is stopped immediately by placing a moist tea bag on the wound. Disinfectants, such as sugar is spread on the wound. It has a bacteriostatic action. Tea tree oil is another herbal disinfectant. They possess antiseptic properties. The wounds are washed and cleansed by topical application of one and a half table spoon of in a cup of warm water. Wounds also include scratches, punctures, scrapes and cuts. Gun shot wounds occur due to a gun shot exposure. An impact of a blunt object on the skin causes lacerations. Honey is also an effective remedy for wounds.

answered by Dr C

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