What do i use for hair loss in children?

Herbal Remedies

Hair growth is regulated by hair follicles that undergo a cycle of growing, retaining and removing different parts of your hair. Any damage to the hair follicles or inadequate blood supply to the scalp often results in hair falling or hair shedding. Hair loss can be treated effectively by following natural herbal remedies:

Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the best herbs for hair loss. A gentle massage with olive oil helps in increasing blood circulation to the scalp and stops hair fall. It also provides shine and luster to your hair.

Rosemary and Sage

Rosemary and sage are natural herbs that have traditionally been used for inhibiting the process of hair falling. Boil these herbs in water and strain the mixture. Use the strained liquid to wash your hair. Use this hair was daily and you will notice a great reduction in hair loss.

Nettle Root Extract

Extracts from nettle root are rich in vitamins A and C. These also contain several essential minerals and lipids that are useful for hair growth.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has been used since ages to promote healthy hair and stop hair fall. This great herb is useful for balancing the pH level of your scalp and helps in cleansing the pores. You can also mix it wheat germ oil and coconut milk to prepare a shampoo.

answered by J

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