Remedy for painful callus

I have a callus or very hard spot on the bottom of my foot. It hurts extremely. Please Help.

Reduce the size of a callus by soaking your foot in warm water and then using a pumice stone to lightly wear away the dead skin. Never cut the corn or callus yourself, especially if you have diabetes or other conditions that cause circulatory problems or numbness.

Thicker soles can help relieve pressure on calluses when walking.

Using protective padding, such as moleskin or orthotic shoe inserts, to cushion the toe or hold the foot and toes in a more comfortable position.

Using salicylic acid to soften calluses or corns. You can then rub them off with a pumice stone. If you use salicylic acid, be sure to apply it only to the callus or corn and not to surrounding skin.

Take care of your feet. Wash them regularly, and use lotion to keep them from drying out. Dry skin makes it easier for a callus to crack and bleed.

answered by C

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