Blood Clot in The Legs

by Sam Malone

Every year, about 2 million people in the United States suffer from DVT, with most of them 40 years and older. Also known as deep venous thrombosis, a clot in the legs is caused by blood coagulating in the veins, causing a clog in the blood flow. It is usually evident in the veins that carry blood from the lower body to the heart, making one feel pain and a certain kind of swelling in the affected part. Clotting in the veins can also lead to inflammation doctors would call thrombophlebitis. Sometimes, if left untreated, this could lead to blockage in the blood vessels connected to the lungs, causing breathing difficulties and even death to the person suffering from DVT.

Experts would agree that there are three factors that give rise to the development of DVT. If you have a damaged blood vessel, for example or you experience changes in your blood flow, this could trigger deep venous thrombosis. Hypercoagulability, although a rare condition, is the harshest of three factors since this does not just cause an ordinary kind of clotting. Some signs and symptoms of DVT include swelling, redness, leg cramps, a bluish of whitish hue in the skin, and pain everytime you bend your leg. Some patients would even remark a certain warm feeling in the affected area.

A blood clot in the leg has several causes. Knowing each of these may be helpful if you want to have a clear understanding of the “why” behind the “what” of your clotting. Prolonged sitting or staying in bed for a long time are some of the causes one might want to take note of. If you just have been to a gynecologic, orthopedic, or heart surgery or have just given birth to a baby, chances are those clots you see in your leg are DVT. Also, fractures on the bones, hip or lower leg could cause this. What about your lifestyle? Obesity is a culprit that gives rise to DVT. Your blood clot may also be caused by staying in too high a place. A very high altitude, sometimes greater than 14, 000 feet can cause thrombosis. Do you take any oral contraceptives? Or do you have malignant tumors? Maybe your DVT also runs in your family. You might as well check on that. But whatever the cause of this, make sure that it does not reach the point that the condition of one part becomes the condition of another organ. Perhaps, it is in knowing these first that we learn how to deal with our ailment. Exercise, consulting a doctor for medication, and a very healthy lifestyle is always the way out of any kind of illness.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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