Hives and Angioedema

by Sam Malone

Hives and angioedema are similar in the fact, that, both the conditions result in welts. Hives appear and vanish in an irregular fashion and are raised wheals, resulting in itching. They appear in various sizes and are also referred to as urticaria. Angioedema, on the other hand is especially seen around the lips and eyes and are welts of greater depths.  Hereditary angioedema is an inherited complication and causes a potent swelling. This inflammation extends through the hands, feet, face, throat, arms, respiratory passage, genitalia and digestive tract.

Hives and angioedema refrain from any noticeable marks and fail to cause any harm to the individual. Chronic angioedema is fatal, as inflammation blocks the air passage, thereby decreasing the air for breathing, resulting in unconsciousness. Hives are categorized into two groups, namely acute and chronic hives. Acute hives ranges from a day to one and a half months. Chronic hives last for more than 2 months and lasts for years. People are prone to hives and angioedema at the same time. Hives are analogous to mosquito bites in their physical appearance.

Heredity angioedema causes swelling and cramping of the abdomen. Obstructive breathing is also a typical symptom of heredity angioedema. Swelling of skin gives rise to hives lesion. Hives and angioedema, at certain times are stimulated by the mast cells. These cells liberate few chemicals and histamine into the blood. Allergens in food and other substances have been recognized and acknowledged as causative factors for hives and angioedema. Ibuprofen, aspirin and medications for hypertension are the most common reasons for hives. Fish, nuts, shellfish, milk and eggs are culprits from foods that result in hives. Exposure to latex, pollen, bites of insects and animal dander causes hives and angioedema.

Uncontrolled allergy results in anaphylaxis. Changes in environmental factors, such as cold, heat, water, exercise, emotions and pressure application on the skin are some of the physical factors that trigger histamine, thereby causing hives an angioedema. Histamine based angioedema results in dermatographism, a condition accompanied by raised bumps on the skin, on scratching. This condition results in inflammation, below the skin.

The risk of hives and angioedema is higher in individuals suffering from allergic reactions and those who have had previous episodes of hives or angioedema. Hereditary angioedema is linked to reduced levels of C1 inhibitors, a kind of blood proteins. Disorders of the immune system, thyroid disorders and blood transfusions are certain other conditions which aggravate the signs of hives and angioedema.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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