The Downside of Overeating

by Garreth Myers

Overeating not only affects the physical health of an individual, but also has a negative impact on the mental and emotional state. People may overeat for a variety of reasons ranging from insecurity to boredom. Overeating can cause damage to the body in many ways. One of the most obvious effects of overeating is weight gain. Gaining an excessive amount of weight could put a person at risk for several health complications. It also exerts strain on the muscles, bones and joints of the body. Obesity also elevates a person’s risk of developing heart disease. In addition, excess weight gain can make one feel lethargic and tired. Weight gain can also make a person feel anxious about his self image. This leads to a drop in confidence. A person may respond to such feelings either by depriving himself of food or by binging which in turn leads to more weight gain. Obesity can also hamper daily functioning as movement may become difficult. Overeating can lead to digestive problems such as intestinal gas, bloating and diarrhea. People also experience heartburn when they overeat. An unhealthy attachment to food can affect social relationships and can lead to loneliness and frustration. Eating too many high fat foods can also put a person at risk for allergic reactions as the body may be unable to cope with it. Consumption of high calories foods can lead to elevated blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels. A serious complication of overeating is organ malfunctioning. The stomach, liver or kidneys may be unable to keep up with the strain and may stop functioning completely. Those who consume too much of meat can develop bad breath and body odor.

The reasons behind overeating are many. Some people eat mindlessly and hence do not realize they are eating too much. This usually happens when you perform other tasks while eating. Activities such as watching television while eating your meals can cause you to overeat. Due to your divided attention you will not be able to realize when you are full. Overeating also occurs due to eating disorders such as bulimia. People with bulimia experience periods of binging wherein they eat uncontrollably. This is then followed by periods of guilt and shame. This cycle keeps repeating itself and has serious negative effects on the physical and mental health of a person. One also tends to overeat when meals are skipped. Since the body is made to go for a long period of time without nourishment, there is a tendency to eat more at the next meal. Hunger pangs, abdominal discomfort and rumbling sounds are all signs that your body has gone too long without food. Another very common reason for overeating is stress. Stress in the form of anxiety or depression causes a person to find comfort in food. Chocolates, ice cream, cookies and other sugar treats trigger serotonin production and this leads to a feeling of happiness. Those who eat out frequently also tend to overeat due to the larger portions that are served in restaurants. In some cases, overeating occurs when a person is giving up an addiction such as smoking. This is because keeping the mouth and hands occupied helps to restrict addictive tendencies.

There are several downsides to overeating, but there are also various effective ways to prevent it. One of the best ways to avoid overeating is to pay attention to the foods you consume and the reasons for consuming then. Keeping a food dairy is very useful in this regard. It will help you detect patterns in your eating habits and will enable you to know where you need to make changes. Overeating can also be prevented by avoiding any type of emotional connection with food. Ensure that you do not eat for comfort or due to guilt. To alleviate stress and anxiety, perform other activities such as taking a walk, listening to music or reading. Those who overeat constantly become unaware of what hunger really feels like. A good way to monitor your eating habits is to allow yourself to feel hungry. You only need to eat at these times. Also avoid eating until you feel uncomfortably full. Remember that your brain takes up to 20 minutes after a meal to signal that you are full. Many times we mistake thirst for hunger and this leads to overeating. To prevent this, drink plenty of water every day. The minimum intake of water is about 8 glasses daily. Portion control is also very important in order to avoid overeating. A good way to prevent excess intake of food is to use a dessert plate instead of a dinner plate. If you tend to feel hungry often consume smaller frequent meals throughout the day instead of three large meals. Also make it a habit to snack on healthy foods such as fruit and whole wheat crackers.

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Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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