Treatment for Septic Shock

The treatment for septic shock is a combination of antibiotics and other treatments. Septic shock is usually a medical emergency so you most certainly cannot self medicate. If you have even a doubt that the patient may be suffering from septic shock, immediately call medical help. For proper treatment of septic shock, it is also important to identify where the infection has started.

Other treatments that could be used are breathing apparatus including direct oxygen, drugs to improve vitals, hydration techniques, and even surgery. Depending on the seriousness of the condition, any and all of these methods can be employed to treat the patient. The possibility of complications in septic shock is very high. The main focus in treating septic shock is supporting cardiac and respiratory function.

The recovery time from a septic shock depends on how much the body was damaged before treatment was received and proved effective. Recovery can even take more than a few months. As septic shock damages vital organs, even if you completely recover from septic shock, the damage to vital organs might be permanent and in the bargain, compromise your immune system even further. While you cannot completely prevent septic shock, there are ways to manage and minimize the damage.

Some of the things you can do if someone around you is ill and needs help:

  • Early recognition makes a big difference - even if it is something as small as an infection not getting completely cured. Prompt treatment of bacterial infections is also important.
  • Adequate antibiotic treatment
  • Control and monitoring of all symptoms including external treatment apparatus and drugs taken
Some conditions are such that they almost always result in septic shock. If someone you know suffers from these conditions, you can keep a watch and catch it in the early stage:

  • Severe trauma
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Renal failure
  • Advanced age
  • Malignancy and chemotherapy
  • Burns
If you aren’t sure, you should consult your doctor or surgeon, in order to prevent complications from infections.