Living with Sarcoidosis

At present, there is no known cure for Sarcoidosis. However, thanks to medication, there are ways to manage and live with the disease through periods of remission and relapse. Living with Sarcoidosis involves following certain practical health measures and making some long-term lifestyle changes. These include:

  • Quitting smoking
  • Avoiding exposure to allergens and triggers such as dust, toxins, and chemicals
  • Visiting your doctor frequently for regular check ups and to monitor the illness and efficacy of the treatment
  • Having regular eye check ups to detect early symptoms of the disease
  • Joining a support group for Sarcoidosis to help you cope with the day-to-day challenges
  • Planning your pregnancy carefully as Sarcoidosis can increase the risks during pregnancy and childbirth. Bed rest may be necessary to avoid any severe complications especially during the last trimester of pregnancy
  • Monitoring your symptoms and keeping an eye out for new signs of the condition that may indicate its spread or another relapse
  • Talking to a professional counselor or therapist to deal with your feelings of anxiety, depression and fear regarding the disease

  1. Sonya R. Hardin, Cat's claw: An Amazonian vine decreases inflammation in osteoarthritis, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2007, Pages 25-28, ISSN 1744-3881,