Treatment for Sarcoidosis

Treatment for Sarcoidosis will depend on which part of the body or organ is affected. The goal of treatments for Sarcoidosis is to relieve the symptoms and encourage the other organs of the body to function normally. Treatment can include:

  • Taking corticosteroids to treat Sarcoidosis of the lungs, heart, eyes, or nervous system. Patients may need to take medication to treat the condition for one to two years at a time or even lifelong.
  • Immunosuppressive drugs which restrict the immune system are sometimes used as well.
  • In very rare cases, an organ transplant may be needed by patients with severe damage to the lungs or heart.
Many doctors and experts disagree on when treatment for Sarcoidosis should begin, how long it should continue for and the amount of dosages to administer. This is because many cases of Sarcoidosis get resolved on their own and in the absence of treatment. In case medications are prescribed, it is important to frequently visit your doctor to monitor your progress and the illness in order to adjust the dosages and prescriptions accordingly. 
  1. Sonya R. Hardin, Cat's claw: An Amazonian vine decreases inflammation in osteoarthritis, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2007, Pages 25-28, ISSN 1744-3881,