What can I do about having a feeling of something being stuck in my throat all the time?

Have you had this investigated to ensure that you actually don't have something caught in your throat? Does it go away from time to time and then return or is it constantly there? If you remember when this sensation first began then maybe you can work backwards to what may have caused this. Is your throat red and sore as well? When you have a sore throat it can often be accompanied by a sharp feeling in the throat, which some people will describe as having something "stuck". Allergic inflammation of the throat can also give the feeling of having something stuck as well and treating your symptoms as an inflamed throat you can rule out a simple throat infection, and then seek treatment if your symptoms persist.

the following treatment can be tried to relieve this symptom:


6 drops



Licorice Root






Golden Rod


Dose for adults is 4ml three times daily if using these herbs in fluid extract form.

Take Slippery Elm powder (2 teaspoons) and mix it in water to sooth your throat.

If your symptoms are recurring or not being alleviated by this, then you will further investigations done and you should not delay is seeking help.

answered by L W

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