What to do for allergic reaction to food mouth rash

Rashes caused due to allergies would ask for you to boost your immune system in order to get rid of them and not have them recur. This will also keep your skin generally healthy. Mix a teaspoon of Indian gooseberry (indian gooseberry) powder with a teaspoon of water and swallow this down with water every day. This will help tremendously in improving your general immunity. If the fresh fruit is available, it will work more effectively. Alternatively, you can also take Echinacea pills to boost your immunity. These are available quite easily. In order to sanitize your rashes, you can make a paste of baking soda and lime juice, dilute it with 10 times the water and apply this to your skin. This will also help with healing. However, please remember to try this once and wait for 24 hours before you do it again. Some people with sensitive skin may also have an adverse reaction to this measure. A cool compress of ice cubes in a washcloth will provide relief. A paste of sandalwood and rosewater will help soothe and cool the skin. Sandalwood also has therapeutic properties which will help heal the rash. Apply milk and milk cream with a dash of lime juice in it. This will help cure the rash. Try to keep the rash as dry as possible.

answered by G R

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