Home remedies for ozzy scalp bump

Bumps and rash on the scalp that are oozing pus and/or blood could be due to various reasons. More often, than not, it is due to an allergic reaction to the shampoos and/or conditioner being used. The first thing to do is to eliminate this possibility by checking for allergies and changing the product. Sometimes it is also due to an allergy to a chemical/irritant that you are being exposed to at work, in which case it is advisable to completely cover your hair and scalp with a fitting cap or bandana. Sometimes these bumps are caused to due head lice, which can be easily removed and prevented by using shampoos, easily available, to counter their infestation.

Sometimes oozing bumps that recur can lead to acute Dermatitis and Eczema, which can be an extremely painful condition with the oozing bumps crusting and leading to itchiness. If scratched, the pores re-open and the oozing increases, making it a vicious cycle. For immediate relief, you could wash your scalp with warm (not hot) water with some oatmeal or baking soda which will soothe the irritation. You could also try applying a cool compress on the affected areas for instant relief. Finally remember never to scratch the area with your fingernails. If the itchiness is intense, rub it with your fingertips but don't scratch since that could also lead to secondary infections. At night, wear mittens to avoid unconscious scratching. If the problem persists, consult a dermatologist for adequate treatment.

answered by G R

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