What to do with warts on the corner of the eye?

Warts are formed due to the HPV virus or the human papilloma virus. These warts are generally formed on areas of the body such as the hands, feet, and knees. HPV is a very contagious virus and it could spread from one part of the body to another if one doe not exercise caution. These warts can also form on the eye but not within it. You would need to get your eye inspected by a physician to draw an exact diagnosis of what the growth could actually be. You could also be confusing an eye sty with a wart. Eye styes are formed in the eyes due to a bacterial infection and take the form a tiny bump in the eye. These are extremely contagious and can be transmitted from one hair shaft to the other when you rub the eye. These can be painful but do not hamper the vision in any way.

A certain type of bacteria called staphylococcal bacteria infects the tiny glands located at the base of the eyelids it leads to the formation of styes. This in turn causes the eye to get inflamed. Some of the reasons that can lead to the formation of styes are as follows; infection, a flaw in one's immune system, continuous rubbing of the eye and excessive use of eye products. The symptoms of this condition are; formation of a tiny red bump in the eye, pain, excessive tearing and discomfort while blinking. Eye styes can be treated with several home remedies. Wash your eye with cold water several times in a day. This will help in soothing the eye and will reduce itching as well. Take 2 potatoes and blend them. Place the thick paste into a clean cotton cloth. Gently press the cloth on the infected eye for a few minutes. This will help in reducing the swelling. Place a few used tea bags in the refrigerator. One they are suitably cold, place one tea bag on the affected eye. This will help in relieving any pain or itching.

Take an aloe leaf and slit it into two. Place the pulpy side of the leaf on the infected eye for a few minutes. This will help in reducing the swelling considerably while also alleviating pain. Again, if the growth in your eye is not a regular stye but a wart as you suggested, then seeking medical assistance would be highly recommended to prevent any further complication.

answered by M W

Home remedies for warts in the eye

  1. Warts are a skin infection caused due to a virus called Human Papilloma.
  2. Consume 2 to 3 garlic cloves daily.
  3. Rub the wart carefully with a piece of raw potato.
  4. Apply a drop of vitamin E oil, Aloe Vera juice or clove oil on the wart. Do not let these oils drip in your eyes.
  5. You can also apply milkweed juice or the milky secretion of unripe figs.
  6. Cover the wart completely with a little chunk of the inner part of a banana.
  7. Every night douse the wart with castor oil and tape it.
  8. Keep the wart dry and do not let moisture remain around it. Pat it dry after every wash.
  9. You can also use fish-liver-oil to the wart.
  10. Crush a vitamin C tablet and make a paste with water. Apply it over the wart and tie a bandage around your head to keep cover it.
  11. Warts are contagious. Wash your hands before and after every application. Try and keep it covered.
  12. Do not rub or prick the wart with your nails.
  13. If you are not allergic to aspirin, then apply one crushed tablet over the wart and cover it. This will not allow air to get in and help the absorption of aspirin.

answered by D D

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