Relieving Sciatic Nerve Pain

I have a severe pain in my hip that started in my lower back. I was told that this was my sciatic nerve. Are there any suggestions on how to get rid of the pain.

The sciatic nerve can get inflamed when it become irritated or gets compressed. This can cause significant pain which extends from the waist and travels down the thigh and knee. There are various ways to alleviate pain arising from a pinched sciatic nerve. You could use any of the following to treat your condition:

  • Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce nerve pain. However it is imperative that you consult your doctor before performing any exercise for sciatic pain. One exercise which benefits many people with such pain involves lying down on the ground and then pulling the right knee in the direction of your left shoulder. Also, using your right hand, hold the bottom of the right foot. Keep this position for a few seconds and the repeat the same using the left knee.
  • Garlic is rich in antioxidants which improve blood flow throughout the body and thus help in reducing aches and pains. You may also consume a couple of garlic cloves daily for relief from sciatic pain.
  • Horseradish also works well in treating sciatic pain. Crush some horseradish into a paste and apply to those areas where you feel the pain. Wrap a clean cloth around the area and remove after about two hours.
  • Celery leaf tea is a popular remedy for sciatic pain. You would also benefit from the consumption of water and juices such as beetroot and carrot juice.
  • You could use hot compresses and alternate them with cold ones. These are effective in enhancing blood circulation as also in relieving pain. You can also take hot or cold showers for pain relief.
  • Maintaining good posture is important when dealing with sciatic pain. Ensure that you keep your body straight while sitting or standing. It is also advisable to sleep on a firm or rigid surface.
  • Gentle massage using a mixture of aloe vera gel, crushed garlic and mustard oil is also helpful in treating sciatic pain.

answered by A S

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