Is pink eye harmful during pregnancy?

Pink eye is medically referred to as conjunctivitis. It is the infection of conjunctiva or membranes of the white as well as inner portions of the eyes. It is caused by bacterial or viral infection of the conjunctiva or due to an allergic reaction to any external or environmental irritant. One of the facts about pink eye is that it may also be transmitted sexually.

The symptoms of a pink eye are watery discharge from the eyes, redness, inflammation, pain and swelling of eyes. Pink eye can affect people of age groups as well as pregnant women. Further, pink eye is a communicable disease and may be transmitted as a result of physical contact with an affected individual.

If you contract pink eye during pregnancy, you may use some of following the remedies and preventive measures below:

  • You may use warm compresses to relieve pain and inflammation in pink eye.
  • You may use rose water as an eye drop to wash off allergic irritants as well as infectious agents.
  • You must avoid contact with individuals affected with a pink eye. You must not share cosmetics, eye wipes, and eye drops with pink-eye affected patients.
  • You must maintain physical and personal hygiene.
  • You may also never take over-the-counter medication during pregnancy without a doctor’s prescription.

As such, pink eye is not harmful and does not affect the baby; however, consultation with a doctor and immediate treatment is a must, especially if it is a viral or bacterial infection.

answered by M W

How do you get pink eye?

Pink eye is scientifically referred to as conjunctivitis. Conjunctiva is the membrane that protects the white as well inner parts of the eyes. Some of the causes of pink eye are bacterial and viral infection of the conjunctiva or allergic reactions. Pink eye is a communicable infection and may be caused by physical contact with an affected individual. Pink eye may also be transmitted sexually. Pink eye is most common during summertime. You can contract it from another affected person or you may be allergic to pollen and other irritants in the atmosphere. Often, children are affected with pink eye. Swimming in contaminated water is also said to be a precursor to pink eye.

Some of the symptoms of a pink eye are listed as follows: Watery discharge is a one of the main symptoms of conjunctivitis. The watery discharge is colorless in case of viral infection, and yellow or green in color in case of bacterial infections. If it is a bacterial infection, the discharge might accumulate while you are sleeping, causing the eyelids to stick to each other, making it difficult to open the eyes. Other symptoms include pain, inflammation, redness and swelling in eyes. Using warm compresses and rose water as eye drops are some of the natural ways to treat a pink eye. It is advisable to consult a doctor and get proper medication for the same.

answered by S S

What are the symptoms of pink eye?

Colloquially referred to as pink eye, conjunctivitis is the inflammation of conjunctiva or the membranes of whites and inner parts of the eyes. The causes of pink eye are bacterial or viral infections and allergic reactions to an environmental irritant. Some of the signs and symptoms of a pink eye are listed as below:

  • If the pink eye is caused by a viral infection, you will observe a colorless discharge from the eyes.
  • Bacterial infection of the eyes leads to a green or yellow discharge from the eyes.
  • Other symptoms of a pink eye include inflammation, redness and swelling of eyes. You may also feel pain and irritation in the eyes.

Given below are some of the preventive measures and some natural remedies for a pink eye.

  • You can use warm compresses to relieve the pain and the inflammation.
  • You can use rose water as eye drops to cleanse your eyes as well remove any irritants in the eyes.
  • You must restrict physical contact with affected individuals as a pink eye is a communicable disease. You should also not share eye wipes, eye drops, and even cosmetics with an affected individual.
  • You should keep your hands clean at all times. Also, maintain general physical hygiene to prevent the outbreak of pink eye causing microbial infection.

In case the condition persists, you should consult an ophthalmologist and take prescribed over-the-counter medicines.

answered by G R

Are there any home remedies for pink eyes in pregnant women?

Scientifically referred to as conjunctivitis, pink eye is a bacterial or viral infection of the membrane or the conjunctiva of the eyes. It may also be caused as an allergic reaction to an environmental irritant.

Conjunctivas are the membranes covering the whites as well as inner portion of the eyes. Conjunctivitis or pink eyes can affect people of all age groups and physical states, including pregnant women. In the case of pregnant women, it is advisable not use any medication without prescription.

While there are no effective home remedies for pink eye as such, you may use warm compresses as one of the cures for pink eyes during pregnancy. Some of the preventive measures to avoid conjunctivitis are as follows:

  • You must keep your hands clean and wash with warm water and antiseptic soap to prevent microbial infection of the eyes.
  • You must not share eye wipes, eye drops, and even cosmetics with anyone.
  • You must avoid contact with a person suffering from pink eyes as it is a communicable infection.

If you are diagnosed with pink eye during pregnancy, you must identify the cause of it, whether it is a viral or bacterial infection. For bacterial infection, you may use medically prescribed antibiotics, and in case of a viral affliction, you may use eye drops, albeit never self-treat yourself during pregnancy.

answered by G M

Pink eye and pregnancy -

  • If treated properly pink eye is not that harmful In pregnancy.
  • Treatment promptly is important during pregnancy.
  • Application of honey with 1/2 a pinch of black pepper powder properly mixed and applied to both the eyes is beneficial.
  • Rinse the eyes in the eye glass with fresh water 5 times in changed water, for both the eyes.
  • Take a homeopathic remedy called as Euphrasia 30, 5 pills 2 times daily for 10 days.

answered by D M K

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