Why do I get so many eye infections?

Infections of the eye may be caused by viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms. Eye infections can be of several types and can affect varied parts of one eye or it can develop in both eyes. The eye lids, cornea and also the optic nerves of the eye are all susceptible to infections. Different types of eye infections require different types of treatments. Infections in the eye are fairly common and some people may be prone to them, such as those who wear contact lenses. This occurs due a buildup of bacteria if the lenses are not cleaned properly. The most frequently occurring eye infections are blepharitis and pink eye. A rarer type of eye infection is trachoma, which spreads rapidly and may even lead to blindness. Some infections of the eye are minor and maybe treated at home, while others could be serious and require medical examination at the earliest.

Styes are another common infection of the eyes, in which the hair follicles around the eye lid get clogged. Other eye infections are cellulitis, keratitis, ulcers in the cornea and chalazions. Eye infections may cause symptoms such as continuous itching in the eye, flaking around the eye lids, discomfort and pain, difficulty in seeing clearly, watering of the eyes, secretion of discharge, swelling and puffiness of the eyelids or around the eyes, redness and tenderness in the eyes.

If you are prone to getting styes, you can tackle them by placing hot compresses on the eyelids with the help of a wash cloth soaked in hot water. Warm soaked tea bags may also be placed over the eyes to reduce the swelling. Guava leaves work well to diminish styes. You can wrap some leaves in a warm moist cloth and use it as a compress on the affected eye. Turmeric has natural antiseptic properties and can be used to create effective eye drops. You can mix a teaspoon of turmeric in two glasses of warm water and use a few drops of this solution thrice a day, until the infection reduces. Another effective remedy is to boil some acacia leaves in water and use the solution as a compress. Aloe vera leaf is very helpful in treating infections and you can gently rub the pulpy part of the leaf on the infected eye lid. A soothing eyewash can be made with elderberry blossom tea. Honey can be put into the eye directly or made into an eyewash by adding to water. Pink eye or conjunctivitis can be treated using compresses of lavender, rose or chamomile oil.

answered by G M

While it is virtually impossible for me to determine why you get so many eye infections without knowing your life style, I can give you some general ideas for how to prevent them in the future.

An eye wash of diluted goldenseal extract and water is very beneficial in clearing up any existing infection and preventing a future infection if you use it whenever you feel a slight irritation in your eyes. Another is simply eye drops that are usually of saline solution. These drops clean the surface of the eye and therefore prevent infection.

Nutritionally, drinking lots of water and tea to make sure that you are properly hydrated will help a lot to prevent infection because if your eyes are properly hydrated, they will be able to flush out particles on their own.

Avoid staring at a computer screen for long period of time as this can dry out your eyes, always make sure you blink frequently and look away from your computer screen for a minute or two every fifteen to twenty minutes and close your eyes. If your eyes feel irritated, use eye drops or an eye bath and avoid rubbing your eyes at all cost! This is very important to avoid future infections.

answered by R P

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