I have a huge problem with flatulence. I'm down to eating salad and still suffer with gas. Kindly help.

Flatulence is a very common condition that occurs due to large amounts of gases in the bowels. In a normal healthy person, the intestines are able to produce about 500 to 2000ml of gas every day, depending on eating habits and diet. This gas is passed out of the body at regular intervals, and consists of different kinds of gases such as methane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The smell of the resulting mix of gas is usually dependent on the ratio of these gases. Excess gas in the bowels is usually due to digestion and swallowing of air while chewing, sipping, or talking. Also, intestinal bacteria may cause the breakdown of high fiber foods in the large intestines, causing flatulence. Other digestive system disorders such as Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome can also cause flatulence problems.

Flatulence causes bloating in the stomach as well. You may feel bloated when the gas is being produced. Often, if the gas is not released from the body at regular intervals, you may feel distension of the abdominal muscles, and it can be quite painful or at the very least, uncomfortable. Chronic flatulence can cause you to pass wind very often. When the gas formation in the bowels is especially excessive, you may find yourself passing wind up to 40 times a day. This can be extremely embarrassing. The flatus is smelly and may even be loud. This is usually accompanied with discomfort in the abdominal region as well as occasional pain. In some cases you may also hear a rumbling sound in the lower abdomen. If you are plagued with foul smelling flatulence, perhaps it is time to get some respite. A flatulence remedy would usually help you with your problem. Fortunately, there are many remedies for flatulence. If you have an underlying condition, however, which causes flatulence, you may need to get medical flatulence treatment. A healthy diet is a sure shot way to combat flatulence. However, since most foods that cause flatulence, also have large amounts of nutrients, they should not be completely eliminated from your diet. Limiting their consumption can help you as well.

If you are lactose intolerant, limit the consumption of foods that contain milk. Also avoid dried fruits like resins and prunes. Avoid apples, apricots, pears and peaches and limit the amount of soluble fiber that you take in your food. Other than that, also reduce legumes in your diet. If you eat broccoli, sprouts, beans, nuts and chickpeas in your meals, avoid them as much as possible. In vegetables, limit the amount of cabbage, asparagus, carrots, onions, eggplants and Brussels sprouts that you consume. Consuming smaller meals will also help you reduce the flatulence problems. Other things you can do include consuming a pinch of asafetida mixed with warm water. You can also soak a piece of fresh ginger in lime juice and let it sit in the juice overnight. In the morning, chew on the ginger. To a teaspoon of honey, add a drop of dill oil. Consume it twice a day, once after waking up and once before going to sleep at night. You can also try chewing a tablespoon of fennel seeds after each meal. It not only helps freshen your breath but also improves digestion. Herbal teas of chamomile or peppermint can also be useful in treating the condition. These teas have many soothing compounds that help lower the amount of gas your body produces and also changes the ratio of gases when you are flatulent so that the flatus does not smell so bad. Apart from this, adding asafetida to all your meals, especially to foods that cause flatulence, helps decrease the amount of gases produced in the body.

answered by G M

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