Pinched Nerve Lower Back

I have this terrible ache in my left hip which runs right down to my ankle. It is partially sore when I lie flat on my back with my legs outstretched. Could this be a pinched nerve? I do not have any discomfort when I walk or sit.

A pinched nerve is basically a medical condition which is caused on account of nerve root compression or nerve root irritation. Pinched nerve symptoms may be observed either in the spine or even in some peripheral locations. Some of the pinched nerve symptoms are burning sensations, a feeling of pins and needles, numbness and even a pain that radiates outwards from the concerned injured area. Pinched nerve symptoms are usually observed in the lower back area however at times the pain from the pinched nerve may also radiate into the chest or the upper back or the back of the head. Sciatica is a medical condition which is caused because of a pinched nerve in the lower back. In this medical condition a severe pain tends to radiate down the back of the leg and even down the posterior leg and towards the buttocks.

Pinched nerve treatment is usually aimed at providing relief from the pain associated with this medical condition. Pinched nerve treatment may include therapeutic exercises recommended by the physician or even ointment or over-the-counter medications which will help relieve the pain. One of the home remedies for pinched nerve in the lower back includes using a cold ice pack or a hot water bottle. As far as possible while suffering from a pinched nerve one should try and avoid getting constipated as this will further aggravate the pain. Hence one should follow a diet that is rich in foods that have high fiber content such as vegetables, cereals and fruits. While dealing with a pinched nerve in the lower back, one should avoid applying vigorous massage to the concerned area and instead one should try and loosen the nerve that is pinched with the right technique of massaging.

Additionally, while undergoing pinched nerve treatment one should avoid lifting any heavy objects or straining the back excessively as this will tend to aggravate the situation. Yoga is also known to be very beneficial as a pinched nerve treatment and can help one gain relief from the pain associated with pinched nerve in the lower back. A pinched nerve in the lower back can also be treated by wearing a back brace which tends to limit the movement of the back and also helps one maintain the right posture thereby keeping the spine correctly aligned. However one should not wear the corset or a back brace for an extended period of time even after the back has healed as this may weaken the back muscles.

answered by G M

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