Itchy Anus Cure

Anus itchy and underpants always marked as though I did not wipe myself decently, quite embarrassing

The problem you have described can indeed be a very embarrassing one. At the same time, it can cause a lot of discomfort and can even drive you to distraction. There could be several factors causing the itchiness. Some of them include:

  • Washing the area too much, or not often enough: While poor hygiene is the most common cause of anal itching, in some cases, excessive cleaning can also cause the problem, especially if the soaps or brushes used are too strong and contain harsh chemicals.
  • Leakage of the feces: This is a common problem which not only causes excessive itching in the anal area, it could also be the reason that you notice "skid marks" on your underwear.
  • Wet tissues: Some people prefer using pre-moistened wipes or toilet tissues that are easily available at most supermarkets and pharmacies. While some of these are good for the skin, others can aggravate the itching in the anal area, as they contain preservatives or alcohol. It is best to avoid any kind of toilet paper that is colored or scented. Therefore, baby wipes that are free of perfume, alcohol, preservatives and color should be used instead.
  • Creams: People use creams as a home remedy to gain relief from anal itching. However, creams should never be used without the recommendation of a doctor, as some ointments, lotions as well as creams can indeed intensify the itchiness in the anal area.
  • Skin conditions: There are certain skin problems like eczema and psoriasis that can cause the skin to itch intensely. Though rare, it is quite possible for these conditions to affect the skin on the anal area. Fortunately, the use of certain topical medication can relieve the itchiness.
  • Piles: This problem often produces a slimy discharge, which can cause a lot of itching. At times, piles could also leave marks on the underwear, if not wiped properly.
  • Worms: It is possible that the itchiness is cause by pin worms or thread worms. In case of thread worms the itchiness gets a lot more intense during the night.
  • Foods: There are certain foods like curry or beer that could irritate the anus a lot, while you defecate. The foods that are known to cause such problems in people are citrus fruits, spices, tea, coffee and tomatoes.

In order to diagnose the exact cause of the problem and get started on the appropriate treatment as soon as possible, it is important to consult a doctor at the earliest.

answered by G M

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