Dark colored phlegm

Phlegm is a very important part of the human body as it helps tremendously in the prevention of foreign particles from entering too deep into the system. The substance consists primarily of glycoproteins, immunoglobulins and lipids. The percentage of composition would vary depending on external factors like the climate as well as factors like the medical conditions from which the individual is suffering from. Dark phlegm, although more likely to be nothing more than the body expelling foreign particles and dirt that may have entered through the nasal passages, could also be a symptom of some kind of underlying medical condition. Experiencing some amount of dark phlegm prominently present in the chest area is more likely to be the result of a long term action of various types of irritants on the bronchial mucosa. While the most common of these actions is tobacco smoke, some of the other usual suspects include dust, fumes and smoke. These could arise from occupational hazards or simply environmental pollution - especially in industrial cities or towns. Studies have shown that there is a tendency for this condition to develop towards the later stages of an individual's life and more commonly affecting men.

Dark phlegm could potentially give rise to a serious medical condition and it is therefore very important that you consult your local physician at the earliest. The physician may conduct a few medical tests in order to identify the root cause of the problem, especially if you do not smoke or are not exposed to environmental conditions such as dust and fumes. Dark phlegm has been a rather common occurrence over the years and, there are a number of natural home remedies that have been developed and perfected over the years in various parts of the world. For example, you could prepare a decoction of basil leaves, black pepper powder and ginger in a combination of one teaspoon each and add it to a half cup of water. Boil the mixture until the quantity is reduced to half and add a little ginger or honey for taste. This concoction should be consumed at least three times a day in quantities of about 250 ml each, until you feel the discomfort ease off a little. Another beneficial mixture is to extract a single teaspoon of ginger and combine it with equal quantities of honey. Again, the combination should be consumed three times a day to be effective.

answered by G M

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