Getting Rid of Phlegm: How can I get phlegm out of my nose and throat?

Phlegm is a thick, sticky secretion of mucous that is emitted by the membranes in the nasal passages and the respiratory tract. Phlegm normally sets in when a person is afflicted by a common cold or other respiratory infections. A varying number of causes can be attributed to the build up of phlegm including allergies. Even though it is caused by conditions affecting the nasal passages, it is often expelled from the body during a bout of coughing. Climatic conditions, overall build up of the immune system and genetics cause a number of variations in the composition of the mucous secreted. Phlegm is a well known carrier of microbes such as larvae of intestinal parasites like hookworm. People suffering with problems of phlegm related coughing should always get the mucous checked for consistency and color, as many of these details help in relating to the causes of the phlegm cough. A cough that is moist and produces large amounts of phlegm is usually an acute or chronic problem, normally caused by infections in the upper respiratory tract. Phlegm that carries streaks of blood can be a cause for concern because this is one of the symptoms of tuberculosis.

There are a number of well known remedies to cure problems with phlegm. The most common of these is drinking a glass of concentrated lemon juice. This helps to clear the throat and nose and rid the nasal and respiratory tracts or any other form of infection. Ginger and honey, being considered natural healers, mixed with warm water helps to clear the throat of phlegm. A mixture of hot milk and turmeric powder will also give you relief. Honey is well known for its natural warming effect that helps to bring the production of phlegm under control. Mixing ground pepper with mashed raisins also provides similar relief. Another natural remedy for phlegm is pears. Oranges are also used in the treatment of phlegm, but through a slightly more complicated process. Slices of orange are to be cooked well after having soaked them overnight in some wine. The vitamin C in the orange will boost immunity and the concoction will soothe the throat. Fatty foods are considered to be one of the causes of phlegm and it is said that undigested foods that stagnate in the stomach cause the production of phlegm, which can put one through a lot of discomfort. Avoiding fatty foods and some light exercise after a meal will help in the digestion of food and reduces the chances of phlegm problems.

answered by G M

Getting Rid of Phlegm

Some would just say, "Spit it out." That would be the best solution, but there are different colors of phlegm and these tell different stories. Yellow, brown and green phlegm is your body's way of fighting infections, and this is a good thing. Gray and brown phlegm is telling you that your body is trying to get rid of resins and tars from smoking cigarettes and/or breathing in dust. The bottom line is: if you cough up phlegm, it is recommended that you see your family doctor.

You can try gargling with warm salt water twice every day, in the morning and then again in the evening. Another method that has worked for many people, although many don't like to do it, snorting the warm salt water up your nose will cause the phlegm to come out. You can also try filling the bathroom sink with hot water, cover your head with a towel and put it over the sink. Breathing in the steam from the hot water is sure to clear your phlegm in no time. Phlegm can cause big problems and make your life difficult but you just have to learn to deal with it and when you can, follow some of these methods and you should have no problem. If none of these methods are working for you, you might want to see your doctor.

answered by S M

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