Causes of genital swelling and redness

Genital swelling and redness could have several causes. Though there are some causes that are common in men and women, there are also some that are different for the different sexes. The following is a list of causes for this swelling and redness.

Venous Insufficiency: In a state of venous insufficiency, the blood of the veins instead of taking the normal path of flow, escapes and refluxes in the opposite direction. The backflow of the blood increases the amount of blood already present in a specific part of the body. This condition is usually caused by the weakening of the blood valves. It could also occur due to high blood pressure. If this condition goes untreated for long, it can cause swelling, redness and pain. Eventually, this condition results in the complete breakdown of the tissue, due to the pressure of blood on it. The valves are usually damaged because of a condition caused deep venous thrombosis. Since these valves are weak, the pressure of blood increases in many parts of the body.

Cellulitis: Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that spreads beneath the epidermis and causes the soreness and inflammation under the skin. The bacteria usually attack a small area and infect it. This infection then slowly spreads to the peripheral areas. The infection appears as a redness and inflammation of the skin. This is also accompanied by a low grade fever and other flu-like symptoms like chills and sweats. Even though this infection is quite superficial, the staphylococcus bacteria, that causes this infection, can do a lot of damage.

Infection: Infections like vaginitis can cause inflammation and redness of the genitals. The vagina of a woman contains a variety of flora which keeps changing with the change in age, diet and sexual activity. Everyday the vagina releases a discharge that keeps the vaginal environment acidic and prevents the growth of any harmful bacteria or virus. When the discharge of the vagina becomes abnormal due to an overgrowth of harmful germs, this is an indication of a vaginal infection. Vaginitis can cause itching, burning, redness and inflammation.

Blunt Trauma: A trauma to the genitals can also cause these symptoms. Is you have had an accident, or the skin of the genitals has received a blow or a superficial injury, it can cause the skin to become sore or inflamed. You may also have got hurt during sexual intercourse. Trying out abnormal poses can often hurt the vaginal skin and cause inflammation.

answered by G M

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