Queries on pain in the left upper abdomen

What would a pain in your left upper abdomen be??

Abdominal pain is common complaint mostly from overeating or eating some indigestible food. Sometimes a viral or bacterial infection is responsible for pain in abdomen. In some cases, the pain may be alarming sign of some serious conditions

Pain in upper left of abdomen is uncommon; it may suggest a colon, stomach, spleen or pancreas problem.

Most common causes of pain in left side of abdomen can be:

Irritable bowel syndrome the patient complains of abdominal bloating and distension. This is relieved by bowel movements. There is often mucous in the stools. Person generally suffers from pain in day time. Ulcerative collitis In this case mild lower or left abdominal pain followed by an urgency to defecate and the passing of blood and mucous in the stools sometime blood in stool. Occasionally a severe attack might develop with high fever, acute abdominal spasms, acute, bloody diarrhea, signs of peritonitis and a toxic appearance. Pyelonephritis In acute pyelonephritis there is an acute onset of a high fever with chills, nausea, vomiting, flank and abdominal pain associated with urinary tract infection more common in middle aged women. Left Kidney stone Severe pain in left side of abdomen radiating to back or sometimes to thigh or genital organ depending upon site of kidney stone. Person may have burning, haematuria. Constipation It may be cause of pain in left side of abdomen associated with bloating, difficulty to pass stool Pain in left side of abdomen may be because of splenic abscess , splenic rupture or may be associated with splenomegaly as in case of leukemia. Sometime left lower lobe pneumonia may have severe irritation of diaphragm and may cause pain into right or left upper abdomen.

answered by Dr


Take half a cup yogurt, add 1/2 tsp turmeric powder and eat empty stomach for 10 days.

Aamalaki powder 1 tsp in 1 tsp honey maky be licked after eating breakfast or meals.

Mint juice twice a day also may be taken.

answered by S B

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