Can you cure erectile dysfunction,and how do you cure it?

The inability of a man to maintain a firm erection during sexual intercourse is termed as erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction- ED, was earlier believed to be a purely psychological problem; however, with a passage of time and with adequate research, ED is proven to be a physiological condition. Most men who suffer from this condition find it embarrassing to mention it to their family doctor or to take treatment for the same. However, as erectile dysfunction is a physiological condition, it can be effectively treated, and should not be neglected.  This is because some people often experience ED as a symptom of another more serious underlying condition like heart disease.

Sexual arousal in males or females is a complex process that involves the simultaneous functioning of the brain, emotions, nerves, muscles, blood vessels and hormones. A disturbance in the functioning of any or all of the above factors can cause a man to experience erectile dysfunction. Although psychological causes  can affect a man’s erection, certain physical conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, clogged blood vessels, obesity, metabolic syndrome and pressure are more prominent causes of the same.

Psychological conditions like anxiety, stress, depression and fatigue can also cause a person to experience this condition. In some cases performance anxiety and the lack of familiarity and communication between partners may cause erectile dysfunction. Indulging in unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, drug addiction can also cause erectile dysfunction. Certain medication may also cause erectile dysfunction as a side effect. Treating the underlying cause can help alleviate erectile dysfunction effectively. The most difficult and important step in the treatment of erectile dysfunction is the courage needed to approach a doctor. A doctor may conduct certain tests ranging from a simple blood test to a complete neurological evaluation. After ascertaining the exact cause for your condition, a doctor will suggest the most appropriate treatment to deal with the underlying condition. Once the underlying condition is addressed you will experience a marked improvement in your health and sexual performance.

A few home remedies are also helpful when it comes to dealing with erectile dysfunction. However, they cannot cure you from the actual ailments that bring about this condition and hence have to be taken as secondary measures to speed up the recovery process.

  • Eat healthy foods. Including vegetables, nuts and seeds as well as fresh fruits in your diet will ensure that your body receives all the required minerals and vitamins in order to function smoothly.
  • Exercising daily can also help improve the functioning of the body. Swimming, aerobics and yoga are very helpful in treating erectile dysfunction as they concentrate on regulating the flow of blood to all parts of the body.
  • Eating raw oysters will also help you effectively. Try including foods rich in zinc, iron and omega 3 fatty acids in your diet as these can help improve your sexual performance.

answered by c

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