Home Remedies for Flea Bites

Stop flea bites from itching?

Fleas are parasitic insects that that feed on animals. These blood sucking insects despite their tiny size are capable of jumping great distances of over a foot. This basically means that they can easily move from one animal host to another. Moreover adult fleas can even go for a few months without feeding, which makes them pretty resilient and troublesome.

Fleas feed by biting on the skin and their saliva contains anticoagulants that encourage blood flow. Most of us are familiar with the knowledge of fleas living on dogs, cats and other animals, but many don’t realize that they can also thrive on people. Flea bites on humans cause the appearance of small, red, and slightly raised spots with itching but no swelling. At times there may even be bleeding as you may tend to scratch the area. In the center of each spot you will usually be able to see a single puncture spot. While reactions may be almost unnoticeable in some, they can be severe in other as it could cause an allergic reaction and hives.

This however would not be the biggest cause of concern. You need to be very cautious as fleas are capable of transmitting diseases from one host to another. They are in fact known carriers of diseases like bubonic plague and murine typhus, and can even transmit tapeworm larvae. If you do have pets it is therefore important that you keep them clean and free of fleas, and ensure that they do not come in contact with any possible carriers.

There are some natural treatments and home remedies that you can use if bitten by fleas, here are a few:

  • It is important that you cleanse the area thoroughly by washing the bites with antiseptic lotions or soaps. Cold water may be used, but refrain from using hot or warm water as this would most likely stimulate itching.
  • Applying a cold compress over the area will help to reduce the irritation.
  • No matter how much the bites itch, never scratch the area as this can cause ruptures in the skin leading to a secondary infection.
  • Calamine lotions can come in very handy as they will help to reduce any redness and soreness of the skin, providing some much needed quick relief.

The symptoms should resolve naturally with these treatments in just a few days. If however they do not, or they worsen and if there is any discharge you will need to visit your doctor for medical attention.

answered by S D

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