I am having difficulty with excessive menstruation during menopause. Along with pain, cramps and fibroids. I've read the remedies and I'm looking for the best well balanced diet?

Reduce Salt, chillies, spices, sour items, pickles.Whole bread, unpolished rice, simply cooked/steamed green vegetables, soups are desirable. Sweets and confectionary, soft floor items, bakery items, refined sugar, Balance the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fats in diet. Avoiding Mutton, chicken, eggs and taking uncontaminated fish rich in omega-3 fats is often a better choice. Sprouted legumes should be preferred against simply cooked ones. Diet should have items which alalize the blood rather than make it more acidic. Hence, fresh juices of beet, carrot, potato, sweet fruits are healthier choices. To cool down the heat in the blood, coriander, mint, fresh juices, or coriander seeds, cumin seeds and fennel seeds soaked water can be taken about 4-5 glasses a day. These seeds should be ground coarsely and soaked for two hours to make this water, known as Heem in ayurveda.

answered by S B

Truly, this is materialism to spiritualism transition, and is not easy. Salt, chillies, spices, sour items, pickles are mostly Tamas diets. They should be reduced. Whole bread (Wheat tortilla), rice, simply cooked green vegetables, soups are desirable, while sweets and confectionary, soft floor items, bakery items, white sugar, incorrect fats should be eliminated from diet. Concise description would be: from Tamas to Satva diet.

answered by S B

Salt, chillies, spices, sour items, pickles are mostly Tamas diets. They should be reduced. Whole bread (Wheat tortilla), rice, simply cooked green vegetables, soups are desirable, while sweets and confectionary, soft floor items, bakery items, white sugar, incorrect fats should be eliminated from diet. COncise desription would be: from Tamas to Satva diet. To obtain relief from the disease gradually, author lists some of the commonly used remedies:

  1. Nagkesar, ½ tsp, three times a day with cold water, say early morning, afternoon and bedtime(Costly).
  2. Soak a Niranhjan Phal (China fruit) in a cup of water previous night at bedtime. It swells in the morning. Squeeze its juice and drink the juice alone. Soak the fruit again and take in evening.
  3. Two tablets (125 mg each) of Chandrakala Ras and Shonitargal Ras each (Total 4 tablets) can be taken three times with water, after breakfast, after lunch and after dinner.
  4. If there is constipation, light laxative should be given at bedtime. Avipattikar Churna, Shatapatryadi Churna or simple mixture of amalaki and Manjistha powder, Psyllium husk (Psyllium) is often adequate.
  5. Drakshavaleha and Gulkand are two well known tonics to take care of heat in the blood, and also take care of loss of Haemoglobin to some extent. Personal consultation with ayurvedic Vaidya may lead to some bhasma too, to take care of weakness, fatigue etc.
  6. Ashokarishta, Lodhrasav, Patrangasav are also sometimes recommended in a mixture form to take care of other attendent problems (depression, heat leaving the extremeties, eruptions, itching etc)
  7. Lastly, author records here an exceptional home remedy. Treated beetle nut (reddish in color and slightly sticky to touch) available in south India (Andhra Pradesh), (Crane is a popular brand) also helps reducing bleeding. Generally, chewing bettle nut, Nagarvel leaves is an era of past, but ayurveda has recorded several beneficial effects.

answered by S B

Salt, chillies, spices, sour items, pickles are mostly Tamas diets. They should be reduced. Whole bread (Wheat tortilla), rice, simply cooked green vegetables, soups are desirable, while sweets and confectionary, soft floor items, bakery items, white sugar, incorrect fats should be eliminated from diet. COncise desription would be: from Tamas to Satva diet.

To obtain relief from the disease gradually, author lists some of the
commonly used remedies:
1. Nagkesar, ½ tsp, three times a day with cold water, say early
morning, afternoon and bedtime(Costly).

2. Soak a Niranhjan Phal (China fruit) in a cup of water
previous night at bedtime. It swells in the morning. Squeeze its
juice and drink the juice alone. Soak the fruit again and take in

3. Two tablets (125 mg each) of Chandrakala Ras and Shonitargal
Ras each (Total 4 tablets) can be taken three times with water,
after breakfast, after lunch and after dinner.

4. If there is constipation, light laxative should be given at
bedtime. Avipattikar Churna, Shatapatryadi Churna or simple mixture
of amalaki and Manjistha powder, Psyllium husk (Psyllium) is often adequate.

5. Drakshavaleha and Gulkand are two well known tonics to take
care of heat in the blood, and also take care of loss of Haemoglobin
to some extent. Personal consultation with ayurvedic Vaidya may lead
to some bhasma too, to take care of weakness, fatigue etc.

6. Ashokarishta, Lodhrasav, Patrangasav are also sometimes
recommended in a mixture form to take care of other attendent
problems (depression, heat leaving the extremeties, eruptions,
itching etc)

7. Lastly, author records here an exceptional home remedy.
Treated beetle nut (reddish in color and slightly sticky to touch) available in
south India (Andhra Pradesh), (Crane is a popular
brand) also helps reducing bleeding. Generally, chewing bettle nut, Nagarvel
leaves is an era of past, but ayurveda has recorded several beneficial effects.

The reasons for heavy bleeding, the theory of ayurveda which analyses the disease is described by this author at


answered by S B

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