acne on my back how to cure it?

Back acne can be extremely annoying as it is much harder to reach the pimples in order to apply any treatment. Back acne is generally triggered by irritation although there may be several other root causes. You can use several home remedies for back acne in order to treat and prevent these pimples.

Mix a handful of coarsely ground rice and the juice of 1 or 2 lemons. Use this paste as a back scrub to gently exfoliate tour skin. It may be a little tough to scrub your back thoroughly so you can use a thin strip of clean linen as an aid. Apply the scrub to your entire back and then hold the strip of linen at both ends. Use the linen in a sawing motion diagonally across your back. Make sure that you do not apply too much force or you will damage your skin. Exfoliate your back regularly in order to get rid of the dead skin cells and oil collected on the surface. This will prevent the bacteria within the pimples from spreading.

Mix fullers earth, fresh mint leaf juice (if available) and tomato juice in a clean bowl. You can add a little yogurt to the back mask to thin it out. Use a long handled spoon or the back of a ladle to apply this paste to your back. Allow it to dry completely and then was it off with lukewarm water. Moisten the mask before you take it off so that it is easier to remove it. You can use a thin strip of cloth in the same manner as the back scrub to ensure that your back is completely clean. Tomato juice is a mild acid and will help to break down the excess oil within the skin pores. The fullers earth will help to remove the excess oil while the mint juice will soothes your skin. Yogurt is rich in lactobacilli and will help to control the bacteria within the pores that cause the acne.

In addition to these topical applications, you will also have to change your choice of clothing. Wear cotton clothes as far as possible and avoid tight clothes as they will irritate your skin. Synthetic and rough material too will irritate your skin and cause an outbreak. Use a mild soap when cleaning your back as harsh soaps can irritate your skin. You can also use a medicated soap meant for acne but do not use cosmetic soaps for acne as most of these soaps have chemical dyes and perfumes that will irritate your skin.

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