how to get rid uti using self care practices?

A urinary tract infection is generally a bacterial infection that could affect the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder and urethra, which collectively comprise the urinary system. Although any of these organs can be infected, urinary infections most often affect the lower urinary tract, which would mean the urethra and the bladder. Urinary tract infections can be treated quite easily and effectively with medications, but natural treatments are highly preferred, particularly in mild cases and recurrent cases. This is because bacterial infections require antibiotic medications, and prolonged or frequent medication with antibiotics is not conducive to your health. In such cases natural methods can be effective as both preventive and remedial measures.

Urinary tract infections that are restricted to the bladder are more common and they can be very painful and annoying. Although such mild infection can be treated easily and cured, neglect and inappropriate or inconsistent treatment can worsen the condition leading to a spread. If the infection reaches your kidneys it can be very serious. If you do not have frequent infections I would advice you to continue with medical treatment and use natural methods to facilitate healing and minimize any harmful effects that medication may have. In recurrent cases natural methods need to be adopted as a regular feature, and you need lifestyle changes to prevent outbreaks.

Here are some natural remedies and self care practices that you should incorporate to treat and prevent urinary tract infections:

  • First and foremost you need increase your intake of water drastically. Try to drink distilled water as any other water would be likely to contain minerals. Water can help to dilute the urine and may help flush out the bacteria. Do not consume and caffeinated or alcoholic drink as well as citrus fruit juices, as these can further irritate and aggravate the bladder.
  • As useful as water is there are other fluids that you can add to your diet. Some are however better than others and in this case cranberry juice is indisputably the best. It can prevent bacteria from settling on the bladder walls and flush it out. Fresh cranberry juice is the best option, but in the absence of fresh cranberries a cranberry juice concentrate mixed with water should do just as well.
  • A heating pad or warm compress applied on to your abdomen can help minimize discomfort.

If you there is no sign of improvement or there are any other symptoms like blood in the urine, pain in the lower back or sides, or symptoms like fever, nausea and vomiting, then make sure you visit your doctor immediately.

answered by S D

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