Remedy for Tinea Versa color

is there a remedy for the skin problem tinea versa color? we have tried medicinethe dr.'s prescribed but they have side effects we don't want. can you suggest anything?

I know this was posted a yr ago but i have had tinea versicolor for 14 yrs. I use a over the counter anti-fungal ( clotrimazole) it is found in the same stuf that guys use for athete's foot. it works it takes a few days to work but keep using it it will go away. now my sister has it to and she uses a shampoo ( selson blue). hope that helps...

answered by m

The overgrowth of the yeast which causes Tinea Versicolor can be controlled with topical applications or oral medications. Since the medicines prescribed by your doctor have side effects avoid those. You can apply antifungal cream prescribed by your doctor.

A successful natural home remedy for Tinea Versicolor is as follows:

  • Apply a shampoo containing 2.5% selenium sulfide (or Selsun Blue) to the affected region.
  • Leave it for 10 mins and wash off.
  • Do this everyday for 7 nights, then once a week for a month and then once in every three months. This also prevents recurrence.

Watch out for more information about Tinea Versicolor on our website.

answered by P P

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