Is there a home remedy for Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a fungal infection that causes depigmented patches to appear on the skin. It is a temporary condition that heals once the infection is treated. It is also not contagious so infected people may carry on with their daily activities without disturbance. The patches typically show up on the torso and back and may be white or light brown in colour. They may be itchy and may become more so upon sweating or being exposed to the heat. OTC antifungals are the most effective remedy for tinea versicolor, so you should probably speak to a doctor about getting an antifungal ointment.

There are also some natural remedies that may help with the problem:

  • Applying anti-dandruff shampoo that contains selenium sulphide to the discoloured patches once a week.
  • Adding tea tree oil to your body wash or applying it topically after diluting it with some mineral oil or petroleum jelly. Teatree oil is a natural antifungal
  • Taking garlic extract or Olive leaf extract as a supplement. Both are said to be good antifungals
  • A mixture of honey, olive oil and beeswax in equal proportions has been shown to help with Tinea Versicolour in a small published study

answered by S E

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