Holistic care for oily hair, hair fall and dandruff

It appears that you have a combination of different hair problems that are probably linked to each other. Such a combination necessitates proper hair care and hair management. Most of us have faced one problem or the other with our hair and we all wish certain things could be different about it. What we do not realize is that it is our actions which influence the health of our hair and the way it looks. There is also no getting round the fact that some individuals will always have better hair and less hair trouble than others. This has a lot to do with genetic makeup but it also has to do with how they treat their hair. A primary step in proper hair care would be a process of trial and error to discover the kind of shampoo which works for you. The same goes for a conditioner since both are very important in dealing with hair problems. Even though you have oily hair, you would need to discover a light conditioner that works for you especially since you appear to suffer from hair fall. You would need a gentle shampoo so that you can make use of it daily. This is important since oily hair can turn unpleasantly greasy when not washed for even a single day.
Remember that bath water or a shower should never be extremely hot. It would benefit not only your hair but also your skin to ensure that the water temperature is lukewarm or simply warm. Also, do not spend too long bathing since this can leave your hair and scalp deprived of its essential oils. Two habits that can cause hair fall include rough toweling and faulty combing. One should allow one’s hair to dry first before attempting to run a comb through it since wet hair essentially means vulnerable hair. You have to treat your hair with a more gentle hand if you want hair fall to stop.

There are further measures you can take to rectify the problem such as switching your diet to a more nutritious one. Certain essential oils like patchouli and the popular tea tree oil could really help deal with the hair problems that you are facing. These are particularly helpful for the twin problems of hair fall and dandruff that you are facing. It would also help your case to go easy on various commercial hair products or eliminate their use altogether.

answered by G M

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