Natural way to lower ferritin level in blood?

Ferritin is a protein that stores iron which can later be used by the body. Iron is an essential mineral which plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin. The level of ferritin in the blood known as serum ferritin level indicates the iron content of the blood and bone marrow. Tests to determine the ferritin level are usually done to detect anemia among other disorders. If the test results show low ferritin levels, then it means that there is an iron deficiency. If the test results indicate high ferritin levels, it is indicative of an excess of iron in the blood. High ferritin levels are also associated with rheumatoid arthritis, malnutrition, liver problems, type 2 diabetes, and hyperthyroidism. Conditions that result in inflammation can also lead to elevated ferritin levels. Certain types of cancer such as Hodgkin's disease and leukemia can also result in increased ferritin content in the blood.

An iron overload or excessive amounts of iron in the blood refers to a condition known as hemochromatosis. This occurs when an individual absorbs a higher quantity of iron from food that is consumed. This increases the levels of iron in the liver and other storage areas. When the excess iron comes in contact with oxygen within the body, free radicals develop. These free radicals can cause severe damage such as heart failure, malignant tumors and liver cirrhosis. A condition known as poryphyria that results from an enzyme deficiency is also associated with high ferritin levels. A person's ferritin levels may also increase following childbirth or if multiple blood transfusions have taken place. If a ferritin test indicates higher than normal ferritin levels, other tests may need to be performed to determine further action.

Individuals with hemochromatosis need to avoid supplements that contain iron as this further increases iron levels. Vitamin C supplements must also be avoided as it enhances iron absorption. Fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C may be consumed. Alcohol consumption must be restricted as it can cause damage to the liver when it combines with iron. If liver disease is present, alcohol intake must be completely avoided. Individuals with hereditary hemochromatosis are at risk of developing infections caused by bacteria present in raw shellfish, and as such must avoid eating it. Iron overload can also be caused by intake of red meat. The herb milk thistle is known to be beneficial in treating iron overload.

answered by G M

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