Treatments and tips for thinning hair

Hair thinning is a common problem, but shampoos aren’t always the cause for the same.  Shampoos simply help keep those locks and your scalp free of dirt and grime. When hair problems crop up, people are quick to blame their shampoos. They disregard the fact that a shampoo along with an appropriate conditioner should be a part of their daily hair care routine. What they need to understand is that what their hair is like today is due to a number of factors such as genetics, nutrition, daily handling and environment. Age as well as hormones is directly linked to thinning of hair. Also, please understand that reetha and shikakai is not to be directly ingested as food. These herbs are an old aurvedic favorite for treating hair. You could continue to use reetha and shikakai. You could also choose from a range of shampoos and conditioners expressly for thin type of hair. Even when using these products, it’s important to be extremely gentle. You can have natural extracts in these hair products and ones with more natural composition.

While at home, there are a number of things you could do to keep that mane from thinning. The number one thing to bear in mind is that how gently or roughly you handle your tresses will play an important part in how damaged they get. Sometimes, we get careless enough to tug and manhandle our hair when brushing. It’s usually the same when we attempt to use a towel to dry our hair. While brushing and combing the wrong way can damage it, more damage is done when our hair is still damp or wet. This is because, at this point, our hair is at its weakest. It is also, when wet that hair is most susceptible to breakage. Remember that hair fall and thinning can result from mental stress in addition to physical stress. Nutrition, when it comes to hair, cannot be ignored. If you are non vegetarian, then salmon is a food you must include in your diet. In any case you should choose dark green vegetables, nuts and beans. Applying eggs is a good remedy for thickening your tresses. Simply beat one egg without cooking or boiling it and work this into your scalp. There could be a medical reason why your hair is the way it is, either due to a disorder or due to some medication you could be taking. You could ask your doctor if your hair thinning is due to some medical cause.

answered by G M

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