My feet is cracked and bleed come pain and what can I do to help this problem

Cracked heels refer to a condition when the skin around the heel becomes thick and dry, causing cracks on the skin. Cracked heels, if left untreated for long, may develop into deep cracks causing lot of pain, bleeding, and discomfort. These cracked areas might further aggravate as they are prone to get infected. It is, therefore, advisable to give proper attention to foot care at the first signs of dryness or appearance of cracks.

There can be several causes leading to cracked heels. The most common causes are: naturally dry skin, obesity, use of uncomfortable footwear, vitamin or mineral deficiency, and some underlying diseases and disorders in the body (like athlete's feet, eczema, psoriasis, diabetes). A naturally dry skin is more likely to get cracked heels and it becomes worse if a person is overweight. An overweight person exerts more pressure on the heels causing cracks to appear. Also, if one needs to walk or stand most of the working hours, it builds up lot of pressure on the heels. Another common cause of cracked heels is poor choice of footwear or lack of attention to foot care. One should avoid using sandals or half-covered shoes frequently as they expose the foot and let the moisture dry up.

To remedy cracked heels, you should follow a proper diet and start a foot care routine immediately. Do not leave your heels dry; use moisturizing creams regularly. You can also apply a thick coat of petroleum jelly on the cracks, wrap it up in towels, and leave it overnight. Similarly, applying banana pulp can also be useful to heal cracked heels. Follow a proper cleaning and moisturizing of the soles. Soak your feet in lukewarm saline or soapy water for about half an hour everyday at night. Gently clean the cracks and then wipe them dry with a soft towel. Once dry, apply a mixture of Vaseline and lemon juice. A mixture of rosewater and glycerin can also be applied. It is also important that long with these foot care practices, you also pay attention to your footwear. Always use shoes that cover your feet completely so that the moisture is retained.

As for practicing a diet, you should select food that contains minerals like calcium (dairy products, cereals, broccoli), iron (meat, egg, poultry), and zinc (oyster, crab, brown rice). You should also include foods rich in Vitamin E (vegetable oils, cereals, nuts) and omega-3 fatty acids (fish, flax seed and oil).

answered by M W

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