Can you please help me with some remedies for heel or foot spur?

Heel spur occurs when the heel bone, which is the largest bone in the foot and absorbs maximum pressure, develops an abnormal growth at the base of the heel. The abnormal outgrowth of the heel bone causes pressure on the heel and leads to inflammation, swelling, and pain. It usually causes difficulty and excruciating when walking. Symptoms include pain at the bottom, middle, and pad of the heel when walking or standing for long duration; pain while bending the foot back towards the knee; numbness and weakness of foot. Heel spur is mostly common in adults who jog or work standing up for prolonged period of time. However, diabetic people, runners, dancers, and overweight people are more prone to have heel spur. Wearing bad-fitting or high-heeled shoes, previous injuries or strain to the foot, and breakdown of the heel fat pad due to ageing may also lead to heel spur.

Do consider seeing a doctor if the pain is worsening. It might need special treatment to relieve you of a foot spur.

Meanwhile, you can take certain measures to cope with the problem on your own. Wear properly padded shoes daily so that the pressure on the heel is reduced and do not wear high-heeled shoes. Avoid putting too much weight on your toes while walking. Apply ice packs on the feet for about 10-15 minutes every day to control the pain. Give rest your feet as much as possible and avoid jogging or standing up for a long duration.

You can also try some basic exercises at home. Sit on the floor and stretch your feet straight out in front of you and try pulling your toes towards you. You can also try calf stretching technique. Stand 1-2 feet away from a wall and lean on the wall with your arms outstretched. Keep on foot forward (under your shoulder) and the other backwards (behind your body). Keep the back foot flat on the ground and slightly bend the knee towards the ground while keeping the foot flat on the floor. You'll feel a stretch in the back of your heel. Keep stretching like this for a count of 10 and then repeat the exercise with the other foot. Another foot exercise you can do is toe dips. To do this exercise, stand on the edge of a sturdy stool or a stair step (have something to hold on to you while you do this exercise) and keeping your toes on the edge drop one of your heel as much downwards as you can. Continue to stretch your heel downwards for a count of 10 and then repeat the same procedure with the other foot.

answered by G R

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