What foods affect gallbladder?

People who suffer from a gall bladder complaint usually notice that they experience pain in the abdomen. They also complain of nausea, indigestion and feeling uncomfortably full after they have eaten. They also have a tendency to gas. People who suffer from a gall bladder complaint have problems because they are victims of over nutrition. This is primarily because of rich food that they have eaten. Other factors that lead to gall bladder problems are heredity and poor health.

People suffering from gall bladder problems should ensure that they eat simple meals. Their food should not include too many carbohydrates and they should avoid consuming too much sugar. This means that they should not eat too many potatoes and rice should form only a small part of their diet. In addition to this they should stay away from spicy and oily food. As far as possible they should stick to a vegetarian diet. Simple food like salads without the dressings, soups and whole grains should be consumed.

It has been observed that problems that affect the gall stone can be easily rectified with a strict watch on the diet. Consuming fruit juices for a few days can help remove even gall stones. After this the diet should avoid processed food or non vegetarian food. Food products that contain white flour and sugar and dairy produces should be completely avoided. Instead, a diet that includes raw vegetables, fresh fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese and some amount of vegetable oil should he adopted for good results. Pickles, spicy food and alcohol should be completely avoided. It is advisable that the patient eat four or more small meals during the day rather than two or three large and heavy meals.

In addition to this they can use specific vegetables in order to tackle their problems. Carrot, beetroot and cucumber are good for health but when consumed in the form of juice these are really very beneficial. A person suffering from gall bladder problem should mix 100 ml each of the juice of carrots, beetroots and cucumbers and drink every morning and evening.

Although all fruits are beneficial for health, it has been observed that the pear is beneficial for people suffering from problems of the gall bladder. You can eat the fresh fruit or else drink its juice to benefit from all its excellent properties. You can also use the juice made from dandelion leaves to help with gall stone problems. Mix the juice of dandelion leaves and the juice of watercress and consume regularly.

Read more about: Gall Bladder Infection Symptoms

answered by G M

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