What to do to stop bleeding after tooth extraction?

If you are bleeding continuously for more than two or three days after a tooth extraction, then you need to go back to your dentist and find out what the problem is. The bleeding ideally should have stopped after a day or two at the most. It is also essential to follow certain basic guidelines of care after a tooth extraction. You must not sip with a straw or smoke for at least 24 hours after you have got your tooth extracted. Always use warm water to first rinse out your mouth, which should be done only 12 or more hours after your surgery. You can place a piece of well wadded cotton on your tooth to help ease out the bleeding. Replace this every 30 minutes or so. Alternately, you can also place a used chilled tea bag on the spot. This will also provide great relief from the pain.

Make it a point to eat soft and cool foods only, for at least a day or two after the extraction. If you feel excessive pain, keep that up for another day or two. Do not aggravate your condition by forcing hard or hot food down. Try to eat food that you hardly have to chew on. If you are finding your condition too painful, try to eat some plain vanilla ice cream. This will soothe your extraction spot by numbing it.

answered by G R

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