Home Cure for Swollen Ankles: What I can do about a swollen ankle?

Natural Remedies for Swollen Ankle

Improper filtration of fluids into the tissue result in accumulation of fluids, referred to as edema or dropsy. Extreme pain and shiny skin are typical symptoms. Water retention is common in the extremities, namely the feet and ankle. The most common causes of edema are inflammation and injury. Allergies to specific foods also result in edema. Intake of medications, such as birth control pills, diuretics and anti-hypertensive drugs cause water logging.

Increase the intake of water, as reduced water intake also results in edema. Juniper berries are good for water retention. Sources of vitamin B, such as yeast, whole grains and wheat germ are effective in reducing retention of water. Reduce the intake of processed foods, due to their high sodium content. Increased salt intake also causes retention of water. Adzuki beans are boiled in water and drunk as a soup.

Well cleaned potato peels are boiled in water. Add two to three tablespoons of this strained liquid to a glass of liquid and drink for two weeks. Refined carbohydrates and sugar are avoided, as they decrease the B vitamins in the body. Fluid elimination is accomplished by onion. Juice of a pound of onion is added to three ounces of honey and four cups of white wine. This is taken four times a day at a dosage of one tablespoon.

answered by Dr C

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