Sore throat medicine for nursing mother

Sore throats are a common occurrence and can be treated at home using common items that you can find in your kitchen. These remedies are also easy to prepare. One of the best ways to combat a sore throat is to gargle with salt water, using half a teaspoon of salt for every cup of warm water used. Gargle with this mixture every three to four hours. This helps in reducing inflammation and cuts down the phlegm.

A very obvious but often overlooked solution to your problem would be to stay in bed and take a lot of rest, as the body fights infections better when it is rested and has more energy.

A remedy that can be used at night is drinking a cup of warm milk mixed with a pinch of turmeric before going to bed. Although most herbal remedies are safe for pregnant and nursing mothers to use, you should avoid the use of liquorice or marshmallow root tea (both of them are known for their effectiveness in treating a sore throat) as they can be harmful to the baby. Although in most cases a sore throat can be treated at home, if the condition continues for an unusually long period or gets worse, it is important that you consult your doctor to further diagnose the problem.

answered by G M

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