What is a thrush home cure

Thrush, medically known as candidiasis, is a fungal infection that usually affects the mouth and the vagina. Apart from the oral cavity and the vagina, candidiasis can also affect the pharynx, the esophagus, the intestines, and the urinary bladder. Sometimes, the infection can also affect male genitals. The term thrush is commonly used to describe the vaginal infection, but since you haven't mentioned where the infection is, we will give you some general tips to address the problem.

Note that these remedies will be effective only in case of a minor infection. Severe infections, particularly if left untreated for a long period of time, will require medical treatment. In general, you should try to keep the area clean. Gargle or wash the affected area with plain water. You can also use a water based solution with either tea tree oil or vinegar. Avoid using anything else — some supposed remedies may actually encourage the fungus to grow. For oral thrush in particular, you should avoid consuming alcohol and sugar. In the case of vaginal thrush, you should also try to keep the vaginal area dry. Change your underwear more frequently, wash them more carefully, and iron them before you wear them. If you find no improvement within a week, you should promptly visit your doctor.

answered by G M

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