how to lower the fasting sugar from 230 to 100 ?and 256 PP

These blood sugar levels are quite high and will take at least a month of treatment to come close to regularizing. You must continue with prescribed drugs while following the plan and remedies listed below. It is inadvisable to eat large meals. Instead, have at least five small meals throughout the day. You can eat two breakfasts, lunch dinner and a couple of snacks toward the evening. The most important thing to remember is to cut down on carbohydrates in your diet. A total of 150 grams of carbohydrates is the maximum you should be consuming. Look at every single word on nutritional information on food packages of all kinds. The most important thing is to have at least 25 grams of carbohydrates before bedtime. You can make it a glass of milk with a couple of crackers or a slice of low-carbohydrate bread. Avoid eating too much fruit. Contrary to popular belief, they are high in sugar and can actually raise your blood sugar count. Restrict yourself to a maximum of three a day. Juice of bitter gourd in the morning is a very effective way of cutting down blood sugar. If you can, prepare a mix of the juices of a mix of 1 inch piece each of long green squash, bitter gourd, tomato and carrot and drink it without straining, first thing every morning. High fiber foods are a must - oatmeal, bran, greens and fresh uncooked vegetables. Avoid egg yolks. Try to eat a teaspoon of Indian gooseberry (indian gooseberry) powder everyday. And last, but not the least, a 30-minute walk every day will work wonders.

answered by G M

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