Remedies To Make Your Dark Underarms White & Fairer: How to get white of dark underarm?

Dark underarms often cause of a great deal of embarrassment and prohibit you from wearing clothes that you enjoy. This condition is much more visible more on fair skin and can be caused by a number of reasons. If you shave the hair in your underarms, they are much more likely to look dark because shaving causes the hair that grows back to be quite thick. Hence it is recommended that you wax your underarms instead of shaving because waxing ensures that no hair is left under the skin. Your underarms will automatically look lighter and clean. You should also avoid using hair removing creams because they can make your underarms dark.

Your underarms could also have become darker if you use deodorants and antiperspirants regularly. Try and limit your use of these substances and use deodorants only if it is necessary. Also, instead of using deodorant when you leave the house, you could use it later when you actually need to. You could also use a pumice stone on your underarms while you are bathing. Apply the soap and then scrub gently using the stone to help you lighten the dark patches. You should also remember that friction because of tight clothing that rub against your skin, excessive sweating, and fungal infections can also cause blackening of your underarms. Ensure that your underarms are clean and dry and that you wear loose, comfortable clothing.

answered by G M

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