Home cure to remove bumps on testicles

It is highly likely that the bumps you describe are sebaceous glands of hair follicles on the scrotum. They are normal and harmless, and should be left alone. In all likelihood, there could be hair growing out of them. You also need to keep in mind that skin in that area is not much like other skin. It is often bumpy and uneven. If the bumps are numerous, tiny, and don't change over time, they probably represent your normal penile skin.

Bumps that are few in number and grow with time may also represent warts. You would need a medical examination to determine that they are warts. If they are, then you can apply a generous amount of castor oil to them every night. This is the best kind of treatment for them to vanish, but it could take as long as a year. You can apply the juice of barely ripe fresh figs to the warts as well. Wash off after it dries. Warts can sometimes disappear if scrubbed regularly with freshly cut onions. Thinly sliced raw potato can also be placed on the growth and left on for about half an hour about two to three times a day for effective lessening. A mix of chalk powder and water can be applied to the warts and they will fall of gradually. However, this may also cause a burning sensation.

answered by G M

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