Home remedy for a boil which appears infected.

Treatment for infected boils

There are a variety of reasons for the appearance of boils on your body. You have not mentioned any other symptoms that you may have observed in addition to the boil. If the boil is infected you should see your doctor as soon as possible. An infected boil can lead to other problems and should not be ignored.

You can use a towel dipped in warm water to treat your wound with a warm compress. You can use some hot water to clean the wound. Use a clean soft cloth or a clean cotton swab to clean the boil. You may have to change the water twice or thrice. Pat it dry.' Always ensure that it is kept clean and dry. Don't touch your infected wound all the time since this could spread the infection to other parts of your body. You may like to have a bandage on it. This will prevent the discharge from staining clothes and will protect the boil from dust. Try to avoid taking baths and take showers instead. Baths are more likely to spread the infection. Drink a cup of warm milk with a spoon of turmeric mixed into it. If the boil is on your leg or on your abdomen, you should wear loose clothes so that they don't chafe against the sore spot.

answered by G R

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